It is time to get back to the basics and rebuild the foundations of this great rural electorate of Nicholls which has predominatntly been built through agriculture and immigration, and have a "TRUE" voice for the people and not have more of the same party doctrine that we have seen for the last 20 years. Remember the comments of the once time Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce about being a safe liberal seat so why should he get involved. Local MP's should listen to the people of the electorate and be willing and able to act on their needs and the only way to achieve this is a VOTE FOR ME

  • REBUILD the electorate of Nicholls
  • ADDRESS the disaster created by a flawed water policy
  • IMPLEMENT proper food labelling for Australian owned and produced food products
  • REDUCE fuel excise costs
  • REDUCE irrigation fees and charges
  • STOP the sale of land, assets and infrastructure to overseas interests
  • IMPLEMENT tax on foreign owned businesses
  • INCREASE access to specialist medical care in regional areas
  • IMPLEMENT a fair marketing scheme to ensure better returns to farmers
  • PROVIDE greater in-home care for the elderly enabling them to stay in their homes longer
  • INCREASE access and subsidies for solar and wind generated power for businesses and homes both on-grid and off-grid systems
  • SAY NO to fracking and coal seam gas exploration
  • A FAIR GO for owner driver truck operators
  • INCREASE access to public housing for domestic violence victims and the homeless
  • ENCOURAGE tourism to regional areas
  • CREATE jobs by encouraging new businesses to regional areas and supporting existing businesses and offering re-training incentrives to unemployed
  • ESTABLISH a government owned bank to assist with the growth of regional projects and businesses

Of most importance to me is the views and aspirations of the people of Nicholls. They will be varied and many, but as with most things in life a balance can be found.

It would be arrogant of me to claim to have the best answers to every problem that faces the people of the electorate of Nicholls. What is important is that an elected member be willing and able to work with the people who do know and to be able to speak up for them without fear of falling foul of party room politics and agendas.